Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week 26

To start off, I had a wonderful moment of gracefulness this past Saturday. We were all at the Bueno's getting ready to go to Tristan's t-ball game. Ibis was waiting in the street in the truck with Marli and I helped Annya strap Mia into the carseat. After that, I was running down the driveway to the truck and the next thing I knew, I was flying through the air and landed THUD! on the ground and slid into the street on my hands. I stayed on the ground, contemplating the embarrassment factor and then decided to see if I was actually hurt. My left hand is all scratch up and was bleeding. That's the only visible token from my fall. On the inside, since I landed on my chest and hip, I'm bruised and very, very sore from the fall. I couldn't even laugh much since it hurt too much! Sooo....due to my display of grace, I am very sore and so far, have not run this week. UGH! Hopefully, my poor body will be up to it later this week. :o/

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