Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 28

Monday (30 min. walking)
Yay me! I went walking today with Marli. Just a quick 30 minute walk, but it felt good to get out there in the sunshine and off my patootie! Hope to run tomorrow. Ibis is finally going to the dentist, so I'll be out with Marli tomorrow as I don't have to be at the bakery and my only dance class isn't until 4:15 in the afternoon. Yay for good sleep and exercise!

No run. Grrrrr......

I am proud of myself! I got up at 7am this morning and went running for 20 minutes, worked at the bakery and taught two dance classes. Woo hoo! Also, Ibis got his job back at La Jolla Electric, so he's up earlier, which gives me the motivation to get up earlier too, instead of snuggling up and sleeping until 9. :o) Will be running tomorrow, too.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week 27

Well, last week got away from me.....I started working at the bakery starting at 9am, so to be up, showered and made up and hair done to go to the bakery, I just don't have the energy to get up and run. I know that by running, I'll have more energy, but having Ibis home sleeping in doesn't help much! I'm still dancing daily at my dance classes, but that doesn't give me near the workout that a good run does. I'm figuring out my bakery schedule tomorrow with the boss, so I can actually get a good schedule for running down. Even though I didn't run today (Tuesday) I did do some leg exercises and pushups this evening while watching the Biggest Loser. That show always makes me want to stretch and do something while I'm watching! Tomorrow, I'll probably run in the evening since it's lighter out later now. :o)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week 26

To start off, I had a wonderful moment of gracefulness this past Saturday. We were all at the Bueno's getting ready to go to Tristan's t-ball game. Ibis was waiting in the street in the truck with Marli and I helped Annya strap Mia into the carseat. After that, I was running down the driveway to the truck and the next thing I knew, I was flying through the air and landed THUD! on the ground and slid into the street on my hands. I stayed on the ground, contemplating the embarrassment factor and then decided to see if I was actually hurt. My left hand is all scratch up and was bleeding. That's the only visible token from my fall. On the inside, since I landed on my chest and hip, I'm bruised and very, very sore from the fall. I couldn't even laugh much since it hurt too much! Sooo....due to my display of grace, I am very sore and so far, have not run this week. UGH! Hopefully, my poor body will be up to it later this week. :o/