Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 25

Monday (30 minutes)
Went running around Granite with Ibis, Marli, and Coco. It felt great. I've been sick with a cold, so I felt a little fatigued this morning, but overall, it really did feel great to get back out there in the sunshine and run!

Tuesday (30 minutes)
FREE PANCAKES AT IHOP! So, I'll be running and then off to eat! Yummy! Just got back from IHOP. Very good and tasty. My run this morning was with Ibis. Coco wasn't feeling great, so he and I just did the figure 8 around Granite (about 2.8 miles). He has such long legs that it's hard for him to go my pace and really hard for me to go his pace. So, he stayed a bit ahead of me and waited on the corners until I caught up. I held steady though and we ran about a 10 minute mile. Not too bad considering I haven't been running consistently. But, this week is a different story!

Wednesday (30 minutes)
Went running around Granite again. Feeling better each day!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 24


No running, but danced 4 dance classes, so I got a bit of a workout.

Again....didn't rained.

I had my 4 dance classes, then I had a showcase in the evening for my school that finished up this week. So, really had no time to run.

Friday (45 minutes brisk walking)
I did get to walk today with Coco and Marli! Yay! Also, I'll be walking tomorrow at Balboa Park, so I'll get a good workout in then, too.

Saturday (brisk walking)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 23

Monday (25)
Ran in the early evening and it was great! I just ran down Anza and then left on Chase up the hill and then back. It was a short, but good run. Ibis is home now everyday since he was laid off AGAIN! Oy. Oh, well....things will be better soon!

No run....too busy with dance. I get a good work out with that anyway.

Wednesday (30)
Went running this morning around Granite. There were kids in P.E. walking around Granite and I passed them 3 times. The teacher was happy to see me running and showing the kids that walking is nuttin' compared to running. The kids were like, "Sheesh! She's still running???" It was pretty funny. I ran for 30 minutes and I'm slowly building up my base. By the end of the month I need to be running 60 minutes so that I can do well at the 10K on March 14th. We'll see!

No run. Just dance!!!!

Friday (30)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 22

Taught a dance class today....might go walking today. We'll see if I get around to it.

No run today. Too busy.

Wednesday (30)
Yes!!! Went running around Granite for about 30 minutes. Man, that felt good! I'm feelin' it though in my legs. I haven't done that for a while. Need to stretch out and get ready for another run tomorrow morning. I will be running a 10K in Mission Bay with some friends from San Diego Opera in March, so I need to get a little serious again! I was going strong for a while there, but I need to get back in the swing of things and not let my busy schedule stand in the way. Here's to running more!

Thursday (30)
Well, I didn't run, but I did walk for about 40 minutes. A good, fast-paced walk around the Bueno's home. Definitely running tomorrow. I don't feel too bad about missing running on Tuesdays and Thursdays since I teach 4 dance classes and I'm dancing right alongside the kids!

Friday (30)
Rain, rain, go away...... Yep, raining all day. Boo!!!! No running for me. It was chilly, too!

Saturday (20)
I will do my best to run this evening. No promises, but I NEED to run!