Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Week Another Run

Tuesday (20 minutes running)
I ran around Kennedy Park today and took an additional couple of blocks past the Bueno's before I headed back. It wasn't too hot when I ran and it felt really good, like I could have kept going for a lot longer. Unfortunately, I didn't want to push myself, so I left it at 20 minutes (approximately 2 miles) and I'll do more tomorrow. Feeling good and energized!

Wednesday (30 minutes running/20 minutes walking)
Did a bit of a longer run today and then walked the rest of the way with Coco and Marli. It was very nice to be out with the weather cool in the mornings.

Thursday (30 minutes running/20 minutes walking)
I did the same route as yesterday. This time, we had a friend and her dog join us. That was nice to be able to get to know someone better. Very nice run and it was still cloudy and cool, so it was PERFECT running weather. Didn't sweat too much. :o)

Saturday (30 minutes running)
I actually got up and went running this morning. I ran around the block past Kennedy Park and then went down Verdin and looped around down Trenton and then back to the Bueno's. It was a great run! Not too long or far, but I was really feeling good and I know that the three runs during the week helped. Hoping to do even better next week!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good Week

Tuesday (30 minutes running)
Ran around Granite today and it felt good. Got really hot though.

Wednesday (30 minutes running)
Yes! I did it again! Feels good to get out there and run. My singing has missed my running stamina though. Need to keep it up.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Tuesday (20 minutes running)
I kind of took this whole week to just relax as far as exercise goes. I did run today, though. So, it's not a complete loss. I'll also be running on Saturday down at Mission Bay....probably about 5 miles. I don't feel too bad for missing a lot throughout the week.