Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Healthier Lifestyle

I'm going to commit to buying fresh veggies and fruits more often and really eating healthy foods. Ibis says that he needs to work on it too, so that will make it easier. I seem to grab whatever I can when I'm out and that usually involves some sort of deep fried goodie or chocolate concoction. Not so good for the booty. Since I gain my weight in my thighs and butt, I need to spend time making sure that part of my body is super toned. I'm going to the gym consistently, but it's my diet that really needs the overhaul.

My best friend, Alice Anne, has a blog that I've been reading and she's putting everything on there that she's been eating lately and her exercise log. It's really making feel a little more confident that I can truly change my lifestyle to reflect healthier choices in my eating habits. I will be going to the store this week to make sure that I have grab-n-go items that are healthy and delicious at the same time. Wish me luck!!!

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